This made me smile even harder. I can empathize with how happy the owner is. I had a very similar situation with...
Yeah even in Ozymandias’ flashback it took some suspension of disbelief to picture that this was the same young and skinny kid...
The show is about a guy who uses his dating simulator game knowledge to get girls in real life to fall in...
Stage 1 (Advertisement), and 3 (Credit) are well known and often discussed in the mainstream arena. Stage 2 of the consumer process...
I just happened to catch Airport 77 a few years ago, I had no idea most of Airplane was based on Airport...
if you like it you should check out the show, kiniro mosaic, season 2 is currently airing, the first couple episodes are...
He drives a yellow 2009 or so Mustang, covered in fake bumper stickers from his movies all over the back. Had a...
That pissed me off a bit. This documentary spends a lot of time setting this guy up as some creepy weirdo evil...
I stayed with a host family in Japan and they took me to a wax food workshop. I got to make fake...
Anyone that’s a fan of The Abyss has GOT to see those. No way you couldn’t like them! 🙂 I think his...