In fascist America, we will still hold tight to our Bill of Rights, but the way those rights will be exercised will...
There are a million other historic sites you could devote your life to outside of Iran. "I would consider it" is 100%...
This is a fantastic video - I didn’t realize the data was so consistent from that long ago. Economists have found the...
That was great. My favorite Spacer moment was in ME2. Not long after the start of the game, you get a email...
I cracked up and laughed so loud when I clicked on one of the examples, tried to use my mouse, and got...
This is another quick-and-dirty unedited video capture from Horizons on a dev machine (the same GTX 770 as before). It was taken...
I literally just did something like this. was riding out of crows perch and heard some hooligans messing around with townsfolk, asking...
The key is to approach it like Scorched Earth (dating myself here). You find the line then adjust the trajectory ever so...
20 times more efficient to recycle aluminum. Almost 31% of aluminum production is recycled aluminum. of course this doesn’t even compare to...
A fair point… if someone wanted to frame Obama for forging his birth certificate, a decent strategy would be to forge ANOTHER...